

Grow your connections beyond the blue badge!


The network of Microsoft alumni is like a family. We share common experiences, learn from each other, and support each other. Connections that last a lifetime.

  • Connect globally and locally

    The power of connections is strong. We share knowledge with each other, do business together, and support and invest in each other every day. Connect with fellow alumni on AlumConnect or at events, join your local club, and be part of this thriving community of industry leaders, innovators, founders, professionals, and philanthropists.

  • Expand your knowledge

    The Alumni Network offers webinars, skill development workshops, and podcasts aimed to inspire, educate, and enrich our lives around business, technology, passions, career growth, and social impact. In any given month, you’ll find multiple opportunities to learn and grow, and you can tap into the many resources available on AlumConnect

  • Stay on top of tech

    In addition to providing webinars and workshops to learn, the Alumni Network offers opportunities to keep informed. Learn from guest Microsoft speakers on the latest technology innovations, build technology skills through Microsoft Certification Exams and developer resources, and catch the latest tech news in our newsletters

  • Get inspired by alumni

    In this active group of alumni, we have trailblazers, innovators, entrepreneurs, authors, and people making a difference in our world. The Alumni Network is your source for learning about what people are up to through inspiring stories, the Beyond the Blue Badge podcast, Alumni on the Move, and the Alumni Bookshelf featuring books written by alumni.

  • Tap into your network

    Microsoft alumni are generous in many ways, including wanting to support, share knowledge, and help others grow. Whether you’re looking for a new job, shifting careers, or starting your own company, alumni are eager to help. On AlumConnect you can get answers to questions, view the job board, and be a mentor/find a mentor.

  • Have fun!

    We connect to inspire each other and learn, and we also have a lot of fun together! You can get involved with your local club (find your club on AlumConnect), participate in events and gatherings, connect with each other virtually, and join us at Connect 2025 | Microsoft Alumni Global Summit for a couple of days of learning and laughs with fellow alumni.